This statement sets out this site's policies relating to the privacy and security of your personal information and other information.
This privacy and security statement applies only to this site.
This site collects and uses the following information from users:
A record of your visit and logs the following information for statistical purposes - the user's IP address, the date and time of the visit to the Site, the pages accessed and documents downloaded, the previous website visited and the type of browser used. No attempt will be made to identify users or their browsing activities except, in the unlikely event of an investigation, where a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect our service provider's logs. This information is analysed at the end of each month to determine the Site's usage statistics.
The Site retains the e-mail address and postcode of people who send e-mails through the "Contact Us" facility. They are stored in a secure area and will not be used for any other purpose outside of Shottesbrooke Vineyards customer promotions, nor disclosed without your consent.
By providing your contact details via our Contact Us page and ticking the 'Join Now' box, you subscribe to receive future special offers, promotions plus information about special events from Shottesbrooke Vineyards, and from our agents, until such time as you request us to stop. Should you wish to opt out at any time, simply let us know by phone, email or snail mail and we will remove you from our list. We will provide you with appropriate contact details every time we contact you. Your details remain yours and may only be shared with our agents for the purposes of communicating Shottesbrooke Vineyards offers and marketing material only. They will NOT be sold or rented to any other companies.
You should note that there are inherent risks associated with transmission of information via the Internet. You should make your own assessment of the potential risks to the security of your information when making a decision as to whether or not you should utilise this Site. There are alternative ways to obtain information from, and conduct business with, Shottesbrooke Vineyards for those users who do not wish to use the internet.
Signing up to our Member's Club, purchasing wine from our cellar door or at an event, or submitting a wine order (over the phone or via other electronic means):
By providing your contact details to us, you subscribe to receive future special offers, promotions plus information about special events from Shottesbrooke, and from our agents, until such time as you request us to stop. Should you wish to opt out at any time simply let us know by phone or email, or via the unsubscribe option at the bottom of every newsletter we send out. We will provide you with appropriate contact details every time we contact you. Your details remain yours and may only be shared with our agents for the purposes of communicating Shottesbrooke offers only. We value the trust you have placed in us as a business, and as such, they will NOT be sold or rented to any other companies - ever.